Our Story

As schoolgirls growing up in Norfolk, Jenny and Sophie made bespoke bracelets for friends and today specialise in personalised, fashionable jewellery that stands out from the crowd. With extensive personalisation and create-your-own options, the jewellery is special and considered. 

While sharing a house in London for two years, Jenny designed jewellery for M&S, Next, Faith and ASOS, and Sophie won awards for her freelance portrait and lifestyle photography. Having returned to their home town of Norwich, Sophie and Jenny fulfilled their childhood dream of working together and launched J&S Jewellery. 

Combining their creative skills, they created a thriving business from Jenny's box-room, whilst their young children play at their feet. Here is their story.......


- Expanded into two brand-new creative hubs in the heart of Norwich: Fuel Studios

- New dispatch manager joins rapidly growing team

- Launch of exclusively designed Spring/Summer 2016 collections

- Completed a succession of photo shoots using amazing local talent

- Launch of jandsjewellery.com - whoop, whoop!

- Celebrated Notonthehighstreet's 10th birthday


- The team keeps growing: fourth permanent staff member onboard

- Exhibited again at Most Curious Wedding Fair

- Shot Geometric Fantastic fashion story 

- New J&S logo and branding by Special Design Studio

- J&S team attended Notonthehighstreet's Make Awards 

- Won Gift of the Year 2015 as voted by Notonthehighstreet customers

- Reached 100,000 orders on Notonthehighstreet.com 

- Celebrated third successful Christmas on Notonthehighstreet

- 5,000 fans on Facebook


- Appointed first three members of staff 

- Successful first Valentine's Day and Mother's Day

- Exhibited at the very cool Most Curious Wedding Fair

- Burst out of home box room into nearby office

- Summer sales soar: more than 300 orders on first day

- Launch of Men's Jewellery collection

- New birthstone personalisation choices introduced to J&S collection

- First beautifully embossed jewellery cards

- Second Christmas on Notonthehighstreet, with 12+ santa's helpers dispatching orders

- Survived first Black Friday: over 2,500 orders in one day

- Celebrated 40,000 orders and becoming ‘Million Pound Partner’ with Notonthehighstreet.com

- Gold and Silver Nugget Beach necklace featured by Rock ‘n’ Roll Bride blog


- Joined Notonthehighstreet, after Jenny secretly applied

- Jenny fulfilling daily orders from her box room 

- Introduced the hugely popular and current bestseller Design Your Own Star Necklace

- Jenny's first child, Kasper, is born in September

- Rocketing sales during first Christmas on Notonthehighstreet

- Rescued by first paid help from friends and family

- Original collection of gift cards designed by Sophie


- First collection designed and into production

-  Sophie's second child, Jack, is born in July

-  Original e-commerce website designed and built by Sophie

- First photo shoot using friends as models, with Jenny styling and Sophie behind the camera

- First, funky J&S Jewellery gift card designed by Kira Allmark Illustration

- Sold J&S Jewellery directly to the public at local vintage fair, with help from Mum and Dad

- J&S Jewellery is born and original branding created